Aspects To Take Into Account When Writing A Politics Dissertation
How to write a good politics dissertation?
- The writer should use the knowledge and skills one has learned throughout their course of study.
- The writer must select a topic that is of interest to them and develop a research question to answer in the dissertation.
- The topic selected for the dissertation should have something to do with politics or political science.
- The student must ensure to set-up a timetable to complete all research, the outline, abstract, writing the drafts of the dissertation, and meeting with one’s supervising professor to go over the dissertation. Also, a timeline to complete the final draft of the politics dissertation.
- The student should not be afraid to send drafts of the dissertation to their supervising professor to get feedback on how to improve the dissertation.
- The student should use their supervising professor as a good resource to get information, tools, and advise on how to draft and write the dissertation.
- Whatever advice the supervising professor gives the student to improve the dissertation, they should take the advice and use it wisely.
How a good politics dissertation should be formatted and written?
- The dissertation should be written in Times Roman 12 point Font.
- The dissertation line spacing must be doubled-spaced.
- The pages of the dissertation should be properly numbered.
- The length of the dissertation should be no more than 15,000 words.
- Nothing should be plagiarized in the dissertation. The student should give proper credit for quoted work and must be properly cited in the bibliography and list of references sections.
A politics dissertation must contain the following sections:
- Introduction:
Includes the thesis statement, brief description of the topic, research question, and hypothesis to be tested.
- Conclusion:
Includes answer to thesis statement and research question, results of all tests and experiments, and summary of what was discussed in the dissertation.
- Body:
provides supporting points, evidence, facts, and resources to prove the writer’s viewpoint on the topic. The body includes tests and experiments that were used to prove or disprove the hypothesis. The body also includes figures and tables to support the writer’s position on the topic.
- Bibliography:
This is where the writer cites all the primary sources and resources used to write the politics dissertation.
- List of References:
This where the writer cites the secondary sources and resources used to write the dissertation.
- Appendix:
This is where the student places sources and resources used that were not cited in the bibliography or list of references section.
- Abstract:
This section is where the writer gives a brief description of the topic, research question, and what will be discussed in the politics dissertation.
- Methodology:
This section is not always included in dissertations, but this where the student explains the test and experiments used, terminology that the reader may not understand, and how the hypothesis was proved or disproved.
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