In the modern workplace, job satisfaction is particularly important. In fact, companies will often try and find ways of increasing job satisfaction, as it helps to minimise staff turnover.
Staff turnover can have a detrimental effect on the profits and revenues of a business. For example, it will often cost a great deal of money to train staff members and, therefore, if the staff turnover is high the training costs will also be high. Furthermore, experienced staff will often have a better understanding of how the business works, which can help to make them far more efficient. Equally, they may have a better understanding of any existing customers, and may also be able to use this experience to maximise revenues.
Therefore, job satisfaction can be an interesting subject to write about for a PhD when studying business or any similar kind of subject. Alternatively, you may wish to look at job satisfaction from a different point of view, in terms of the way that employees look at their work.
For example, you may be studying social studies, and you may be interested in how employees perceive their employers, and how individuals rate job satisfaction, and what role it plays in relation to the happiness and well-being of individuals in society.
In fact, there are various different reasons as to why you may create a PhD thesis based on job satisfaction. Therefore, you will need to identify what stance you wish to take, as well as what topic you wish to write about.
The topic that you write about will have a dramatic impact on the research methods that you choose to use. For example, if you’re looking for an individual’s point of view, then you may need to carry out various surveys, questionnaires and interviews with the employees of various companies, so as to get an understanding of their job satisfaction levels.
Alternatively, if you are looking at job satisfaction from the point of your business, and how they can retain staff, then you may look at various studies that other people have completed, as well as potentially analysing any techniques and methods that major businesses use in order to maximise job satisfaction.
For example, you may wish to base your research on some of the major technology businesses, and how they create welcoming environments and workplaces that help to boost jobs satisfaction for their employees.
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